Early this year, we made a presentation about Australia as part of our Culture class. Among the things we learned and share with the class about the contry, we can find aspects such as music, animals, slangs, traditions, curious facts and others. In order to make the class interesting and fun, we prepare different activities for each day - because this presentation was made in two days -. For example the first day we gave everybody their own Australian Passport, and whith the number in it, the next day we made a raffle.

In this picture, one of our classmates is receiving her passport from one member of the group.
After the people got into the classroom, we welcomed them to "Australia", showed them a video, and gave them some information about the country; then we divided them in 3 groups for a "tour around the country" we had prepared. In this tour, we took them through Sidney, Tasmania, and Queensland, while we were giving them information about this interesting places.
The Sidney station of the trip.
Also on the first day, we made a singing contest, with a karaoke version of the song "We are Australian" by Lo-tel, here is the performance of the winner!
And in that same day, we made a game named "Who has the Biggest Australian Knowledge". The game consisted in asking the participants questions about what we said during the presentation, and the one who correctly answered most of the questions would be the winner.
The contestants waiting for the question to answer it.
For the second day, we prepared games such as a memory game called "Keep Australia in your Memory" with a board where our classmates had to find couples of australian images, while we were explaining them what each one of those images represented.
One of the memory boards.
After that activity we made a game similar to "The Amazing Race" called "The Autralian Race", where our classmates had to build a puzzle of an australian place, and when they finished it we gave them some information about the place, in order for them to share it with the rest of the class - each group had a different puzzle -, then they had to paint their faces like australian aborigins and finally they had to perform an aboriginal australian dance.
One of the groups building their puzzle.
Some of the participants with their faces painted as an australian aborigin.
After they danced one by one and we finished this activity, we did the raffle with the passport numbers and we gave two prices one for girls and other for guys. After that, we gave everybody a meat pie - which is a traditional australian dish - whith coke.
Here we present the video of the song we ask our classmates to sing in the singing contest. We hope you like it!