Australia: A Wonderful Country!!! (Presentation)

Early this year, we made a presentation about Australia as part of our Culture class. Among the things we learned and share with the class about the contry, we can find aspects such as music, animals, slangs, traditions, curious facts and others. In order to make the class interesting and fun, we prepare different activities for each day - because this presentation was made in two days -. For example the first day we gave everybody their own Australian Passport, and whith the number in it, the next day we made a raffle.

In this picture, one of our classmates is receiving her passport from one member of the group.

After the people got into the classroom, we welcomed them to "Australia", showed them a video, and gave them some information about the country; then we divided them in 3 groups for a "tour around the country" we had prepared. In this tour, we took them through Sidney, Tasmania, and Queensland, while we were giving them information about this interesting places.

The Sidney station of the trip.

Also on the first day, we made a singing contest, with a karaoke version of the song "We are Australian" by Lo-tel, here is the performance of the winner!

And in that same day, we made a game named "Who has the Biggest Australian Knowledge". The game consisted in asking the participants questions about what we said during the presentation, and the one who correctly answered most of the questions would be the winner.

The contestants waiting for the question to answer it.

For the second day, we prepared games such as a memory game called "Keep Australia in your Memory" with a board where our classmates had to find couples of australian images, while we were explaining them what each one of those images represented.

One of the memory boards.

After that activity we made a game similar to "The Amazing Race" called "The Autralian Race", where our classmates had to build a puzzle of an australian place, and when they finished it we gave them some information about the place, in order for them to share it with the rest of the class - each group had a different puzzle -, then they had to paint their faces like australian aborigins and finally they had to perform an aboriginal australian dance.

One of the groups building their puzzle.

Some of the participants with their faces painted as an australian aborigin.

After they danced one by one and we finished this activity, we did the raffle with the passport numbers and we gave two prices one for girls and other for guys. After that, we gave everybody a meat pie - which is a traditional australian dish - whith coke.

Here we present the video of the song we ask our classmates to sing in the singing contest. We hope you like it!

Our Professional Practices, a Beautiful Experience!

As future teachers we often have a lot of expectations about how to teach, or what kind of strategies to use in order for students to enjoy learning English. In our particular case, to work with kids was an amazing experience, and a huge challenge.

At the beginning, we tried to think in what they wanted or would enjoy, and what they needed to learn about the language. It was obvious that they did not know anything of the language. Then, when we started to teach them, sometimes we felt frustrated because many techniques or activities we used in classes did not work the way we expected, but that helped us to be more creative, and improve our strategies.

The final result of almost six months in practices was one of the best memories of our life, due to the love that children showed us, their joy and happiness in each class, and their enthusiasm for learning English. Those were some of the aspects which made us gain experience and notice that hard work brings wonderful rewards.

Ascendent Up Method

This method consists in presenting a film or a song to the students in order for them to make a composition about it, and then share the ideas, and opinions they wrote with the rest of the class. It has the purpose of motivate the students to develop the four skills.

Regarding to the
presentation of the group, they did activities really focused in the method, but in some way the explanation about it (method) was not complete enough.

Communicative Language Learning

Communicative Language Learning seeks to bring students beyond grammatical competences to a point where they are able not only to decode a language, but they can begin to manipulate the language in private dialog. This is known as Comunicative Competences. It's an engaging development in the field of ancient language acquisition. It opens numerous opportunities for creative instruction, and may serve to captive students and teacher alike for years to come.
By Paul Overland

A global apreciation about this presentation is that the team maybe could have created more encouraging activities in order for us to be able to recognize and familiarize ourselves more with this. The explanation was good, but it could have been better if they had been more practical instead of theoretical.

The Audio Lingual Method

The Audio-Lingual Method is based on the behaviorist belief that language learning is the acquisition of a set of correct language habits. The learner repeats patterns until able to produce them spontaneously. Once a given pattern – for example, subject-verb-prepositional phrase – is learned, the speaker can substitute words to make novel sentences. The teacher directs and controls students' behavior, provides a model, and reinforces correct responses.

Taken from:

It is worth to note the fact that we could not be in this presentation, but according to what we have read about the method, we can suppose that the group probably brought dialogues related to common situations and asked the group to repeat them in order to recreate a class based on this approach, because we think this would be the best way of present it.

The Grammar Translation Method

This method derived from traditional approaches to the teaching of Latin and Greek in the nineteenth century. It is "a way of studying a language that approaches the language first thought detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by application of this knowledge through the task of translating sentences and text into and out of the target language."

Taken from:

We think this group made a really good job at presenting the method. Because, at the beginning they explained the basis of this approach and then, they applied it during the rest of class by giving us a text in order to translate it. After that, they applied a sort of test about the content of the translation, and at the end they gave everybody an envelope with words and asked us to order them and form a sentence.

Total Physical Response

It is a language teaching method which is based on the assumption that the coordination of speech and action will boost language learning. It was developed by James Asher in the 70s He drew from a variety of areas, including psychology, learning theory and humanistic pedagogy.

Even though the group gave a very good and clear explanation about what the method is and how it works, we think that if they would have presented a class based on the method, it would have been better than just give some isolated examples about the use of the method as they did.

The PPP Approach

PPP approach, is an EFL technique. Presentation, practice and production is its meaning. In this kind of class the teacher presents the topic in a meaningful way. The students make workgroups and work over specific themes related to the idea (topic) of the class. In this kind of class, students can practice vocabulary and other aspects of the language by asking some questions and sharing opinions or by performing role plays. The theme about cultural shock, presented in this class, was really interesting. We think the team did a great job in the development of the class and they chose the most suited activities.

Content-Based, Task-Based, and Participatory Approaches

In Task based learning, presentation of the material is given by applying different activities. What is really important in this method is that students can learn and work based on adquired knowledges in a meaningful way.

The explanation given for the group was interesting and understandable, the activities were appropriated and easy to do for us. We consider they applied the method during the class.

The Desuggestopedia Method

The suggestopedia class was centered in metacognition and relax of students in order for them to be in an optimun mental state for effortless acquisition of the knowledge. The sounds (music), games, smells, and images play an important role in this type of technique. Its purpose is to create an environment where students can use their senses, feelings and emotions and relate those elements with the topic of the class by themselves. We tried to work on Lozanov's ideas, adjusting the class to those principles by making games and other activities in order to produce in the students a relaxing stage for better understanding of the knowledges. A suggestopedia class is enjoyable and that was our main premise and goal.

The Direct Method

The direct method focus its strategies on communicative elements of the language. students learn from instructions, comments, ideas, orders and explanations that the teacher gives them just by using the target language in order for students to understand and communicate through it. In this class the group tried to follow the steps of a direct method class, by asking us to draw a comic based on a tale that they told us before, where we were not allow to use our mother tongue, because the main idea of the exercise was to use the target language.

Here it is the video of the activity they presented at the beginning as an ice breaker.

The Silent Way

The silent way is an approach to language teaching, developed in the States by Caleb Gattegno, involving a highly structured system of specialized techniques and apparatus. The teacher is encouraged to restrict his own speech to a minimum, in order that students become involved in establishing meaningful language behaviour themselves.

Taken from:

The silent way method presented in class was focused on the idea that the teacher has to talk as minimun as possible. For that reason the team or the teachers chose an activity based on a role play about urban tribes, in which everybody had to speak and creat their own dialogue or script. Then one or more members of each team made a presentation about their topic. It was really great because the whole group had the oportunity to create and construct their own speech and show it to the others with little help from the teachers, just using their own knowledge and skills in the language.

Also, they asked us to make a sort of collage with pictures and key words about the different urban tribes presented in the class. After every group finished it, we had to present and explain our work to the others.

Thinking about the brain!

Brain processes have a lot of influence in the different activities people do, specially in the education area, even though when lots of people don't believe this can be true. That’s why, lots of teachers feel afraid of including techniques that would help to improve their students' brain development, because of the fact they don’t think they're able of working under this new approach. Nevertheless, recently scientists have made harder efforts to show the importance of understanding how our brain works and how it influences everything we do, in order for us as teachers to take all the possible advantage of it.

This post, talks a little bit about brain-based education. That is, the way teachers should encourage students’ brain development, through the use of different strategies which should be attractive to them. But, at the same time, teachers also must be aware of the students’ reactions to the strategies, in order for them (the teachers) to know when it's necessary to change the strategy for another one, which would bring the students more benefits to their brain functioning. It's really important to remember that brain functioning changes with time and experiences, so that's why it's very important for teachers to try to use the right strategies for the different kind of students they have, because each student’s brain works differently according to their experiences.

It's worth to make clear that “Brain-based education is the engagement of strategies based on principles derived from an understanding of the brain” (Jensen, 2008 p.1). According to this, it's teachers’ due to take in account the different aspects that influence the students’ life, and for instance, influence their brain functions; and taking this as a starting point, they can choose more suited strategies for their students, and for encouraging their brain development. Actually, this could work as an advantage for the teacher, to implement a whole interdisciplinary teaching program, which could integrate aspects such as social interactions, feelings, and so on.

At the bottom line, it can be said that we, as teachers besides of paying attention to the pedagogical aspects of our work, also must be aware of the multiple discoveries that are being done on the neuroscience area, and try to apply them into the classroom, because they can help us to find new and better ways of take advantage of our students’ and our own brain functioning, and for instance this would work as a big benefit for the students in their learning process and achievements.

Written by: Diana Peñaloza & Tiffany Rangel (2010)

The Blind Men and The Elephant

It was six men of Indostán, to learning much inclined,

who went to see the elephant (Though all of them were blind),

that each by observation, might satisfy his mind.

The first approached the elephant, and, happening to fall,

against his broad and sturdy side, at once began to bawl:

"God bless me! but the elephant, is nothing but a wall!"

The second feeling of the tusk, cried: "Ho! what have we here,

so very round and smooth and sharp? To me tis mighty clear,

this wonder of an elephant, is very like a spear!"

The third approached the animal, and, happening to take,

the squirming trunk within his hands,

"I see," quoth he,the elephant is very like a snake!"

The fourth reached out his eager hand, and felt about the knee:

"What most this wondrous beast is like, is mighty plain," quoth he;

"Tis clear enough the elephant is very like a tree."

The fifth, who chanced to touch the ear, Said; "E'en the blindest man

can tell what this resembles most; Deny the fact who can,

This marvel of an elephant, is very like a fan!"

The sixth no sooner had begun, about the beast to grope,

than, seizing on the swinging tail, that fell within his scope,

"I see," quothe he, "the elephant is very like a rope!"

And so these men of Indostán, disputed loud and long,

each in his own opinion, exceeding stiff and strong,

Though each was partly in the right, and all were in the wrong!

So, oft in theologic wars, the disputants, I ween,

tread on in utter ignorance, of what each other mean,

and prate about the elephant, not one of them has seen!

John Godfrey Saxe (1816 - 1887)

“Too many students are like blind men in the fable, each one having a limited and truncated experience of the language elephant.” Andrews (1995)

Language Exploration and Awareness

This is a different approach that Andrews show us, with a view of the study of English Language from a broader perspective. For this reason, Andrews (1995) says, “Students are taught only about parts of language. They need instead awareness of the whole elephant.” This is a view which helps learners to experience more of the language elephant, and it helps the students to be aware of the wholeness of language, with a social and communicative purpose and not as many teachers do when they apply the traditional approach and just teach: grammar drills, the usage of worksheets and so forth.

Andrews tells us some exercises or explorations (as he uses to call them) to do in order to practice and recognise of where the words come from, in special the words that we use everyday. Here one of those exercises or explorations:

Exploration: Selective

Direction: Make a list of your most frequently used slang expressions.

1. Who else used these expressions? Be specific by listing (a) the names of other people who used them, and (b) their relationship to you (best friend, cousin, neighbor).

2. Are there similar expressions you hear everyday but would you never use? Why? Who use them?

3. How do you determine when, where and with whom certain expressions can or not be used?

By: Deisy Ramírez & Tiffany Rangel (2010)

English Teaching for Kids

From: youtube

Teaching English to kindergarten kids at Aire English school. It is an extensive Kindy Kids program at the school incorporating colors, numbers, phonics, vocabulary, songs and listening activities. This is all taught using a fun student-centered methodology.

What about the language?

Many people say language is the expression of ideas, and in certain way it is that, but it is more than ideas. It requires of complex processes, and it is influenced by external and internal factors which make it the main form of communication for human beings.

Initially, language was born such as a way to say something, express ideas, emotions, views, needs and other important elements of life. So that, language can sometimes be considered as an empirical and not a biological part of people. According to this issue Searle (2006) says, "few contemporary and recent philosophers of language attempt to treat language as a natural extension of non-linguistic biological capacities. Language is not seen as continuous with, nor as an extension of, the rest of our specifically human biological inheritance." In order to understand what this author said, we cannot separate the empirical from the biological form because they are the essential parts of the language.

In the same order of ideas, and taking some points from Searle, he talks about pre-linguistic and linguistic capacities. The first are related to those things we can express through movements, sounds, body language, or even our face, but without say any word. An example of this are the animals, as they do not have the ability to develop a structured linguistic system. The second, implies more complicated actions and the capacity to create and develop an organized form of communication and meanings, such as the language that humans have established.

Nowadays, the researches and studies about this issue are huge and continuous. We cannot say that all about language is completely said, because we have much road to walk through in this specific area.

By: Susana Bello (2010)

What do teachers need to know?

In Education is really important to consider this topic. Children learn in different ways and all of them depend of their needs, family, external and internal conditions and others. For that reason, teachers have got to study their students’ behavior in order to know their weaknesses, strengths, type of intelligence, and others. By using strategies or techniques which help them to recognize what kind of decision they have to make for increasing the students’ interest.

During the learning process, teachers can improve the students’ abilities and act based on the characteristics of each one of them. This is one of the most important functions and roles that teachers must take in account.

By: Susana Bello (2010)